Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival

High Times: A History of Aviation by Golden CosmosAwesome morning / afternoon at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival. I finally met Chris Ware and he signed my copy of MONO KULTUR. I was third in line and by the time I left the hall it was 40-50 people deep. Chris was very kind and he took the time to ask and answer a couple of questions.

There were plenty of other goodies too; gorgeous prints from Aaron Costain and Paul Hoppe. The work from Paul Hoppe reminds me of the Yellow Train (which I used to read to Burgoyne). I also found a concertina book called High Times: A History of Aviation by Golden Cosmos. Quite possibly the best find (serendipity) was Find my Light by Jen Tong. This is a gorgeous book and the colors and story echo.

I also rode the Brompton to the festival and tweeted my adventures @limestoneroof. The route was Brooklyn via 2nd Avenue from Grand Central over the Williamsburg Bridge. The return trip was along the FDR Drive.

I’ll post a couple of scans tomorrow.