Weekend 209.0

Chris Ware: The Adventures of Jimmy Corrigan“What [modern man] wants is a monk’s cell, well lit and heated, with a corner from which he can look at the stars.” – Charles-Édouard Jeanneret


(1a) Periodic Table of Storytelling

(2) ‘Building Stories’: Chris Ware series coming from Pantheon

(2a) Critical Cities: Modernism: Designing a New World, 1914-1939

(3) There and Back Again: How writers’ fictional worlds have colonized real life (WSJ)

Paratext — Supplementary material like maps, footnotes, glossaries, appendices in books. (e.g. Kipling had his futuristic “Aerial Board of Control” stories printed with mock-up ads for airships.)

A great example of paratext is the cloth map of Britannia from Ultima IV. Many of those titles from Origin Systems included supplemental materials like coins and books (The History of Britannia). The metal ankh from Ultima IV is still popular with collectors.

(4) Blowing Up the Book (WSJ)