Weekend 212.1
(1) Fortune Cookie: “Appearance can be deceiving. Remember endurance makes gold.” (2) Happytime Pizza???? The Disney Feature Animation Bldg. includes a 1980s style arcade created by the studio’s set builders. Continue Reading →
(1) Fortune Cookie: “Appearance can be deceiving. Remember endurance makes gold.” (2) Happytime Pizza???? The Disney Feature Animation Bldg. includes a 1980s style arcade created by the studio’s set builders. Continue Reading →
(1) The Pursuit of Presence (WSJ) “All of his poems are inextricably linked to the places where they were written. For much of his adult life, Mr. Bonnefoy spent his Continue Reading →
(1) Animator Looks to Break Through: Pixar’s John Lasseter Aims to Help Japanese Maker of ‘Arrietty’ Reach Broader Group in The U.S. (WSJ) (2) Anime Queue: East of Eden // Continue Reading →
Text from a friend completely disinterested in sports: “So I know I’m taking a long shot here, but I’m thinking the Schenectady Land Beavers are going to win the Super Continue Reading →
“But to me they were living and the turf that covered them was a skin, under which their muscles rippled, and I felt that those hills had called with incalculable Continue Reading →
(1) Fully Booked: Architect Annabelle Selldorf decodes the Morgan Library’s lofty design (WSJ) (2) Life With and Without Tradition (WSJ) (a) “The story is a cleverly constructed parable about the Continue Reading →