Weekend 226.0 (‘Sincerity of Purpose’)

The British Empire Exhibition

Summer doldrums. Not feeling very inspired these days so I expect posting to be sporadic.

‘Sincerity of Purpose’ is from the book London Underground Maps: Art, Design and Cartography by Claire Dobbin.

Gill applied himself to his art with what he called ‘sincerity of purpose’. His many masterpieces may have served the specific requirements of businessmen, the Church, government agencies and private individuals, but their art was his own.

Speaking of cartography…I highly recommend the movie Moonrise Kingdom.

(1) Skyline Views: Artists Scale the Heights (WSJ)

(1a) Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago (MCA)

(2) “I was, and I am; but—is that all?” (WSJ)

(3) Sniff Out the Finest Roses (WSJ)

(3a) A rose from the flowerbed of the summer villa of J. M. W. Turner.

(4) A second quote from London Underground Maps: Art, Design and Cartography by Claire Dobbin.

In his book, Advertisement Design, Gossop commented: ‘New maps, cunningly devised, have the power of giving new charms to old places. We can be reminded of things forgotten and led to take a fresh interest in tracks that had become tedious by constant treading.’ He believed that on some level the map had always promoted travel and that ‘we cannot move without it, and it will often stir us to move when we had no thought of doing so.’ In his view the inherent aesthetic qualities of cartography could be harnessed and diverted to the role of publicity with minimal adjustment.

(5) How Novels Are Like Board Games (WSJ)

“I’m enough of a board-game geek that I once considered writing a how-to book for kids, teaching them to create their own games. I studied the mechanics of games, the math, luck, skill, etc. What came out of all that was one gem of game-designing wisdom: To create a great game, there must be hope for all the players right up to the end.”