Weekend 267.0 (Unfinished Symphonies)

How does a bicycling monk spend his weekend? Started Saturday by biking to mass (need to do this more often) and then to a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new bike/walk route:

(1) Like bikes? Fairfield offers new path to enjoyment: Bicyclists take an inaugural ride on the the new Mill Plain Road bike/walk route after its dedication Saturday morning. (Fairfield Citizen)

After the ribbon cutting ceremony, peddled back to town on the ANT to finish some errands. I also stopped somewhere along the way for a scone (blueberry) and cappuccino.

Spent Saturday evening listening to a lecture at Sacred Heart University:

(2) Sacred Heart University’s Henri Nouwen Lecture on Contemporary Spirituality at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit: Roman Catholic Priest Ronald Rolheiser will discuss “Merton, Solitude and Difficulties in Being Present to the Now.”

His lecture was the keynote address at The Thirteenth General Meeting of the International Thomas Merton Society.

(2a) Are You An IDIOT? (Fast Company)

(3) Excited to start a series of 12 books by 12 different authors (each in 15,000 words) celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Tube.

From the ‘Son of a Florist’ files…

(4a) An Artful Arrangement: Floral designer Lindsey Taylor translates a sculpture by the late Ken Price into the language of roses (WSJ)

(4b) Flower Power: Newly restored and reproduced, “The Green Florilegium” shows off the work of 17th-century flower painter Hans Simon Hotzbecker (WSJ)

(5) Le Corbusier’s One-Room Wonder: A tiny summer getaway by the architectural legend proves less can be so much more (WSJ)