My sister always lends me great books and she found a real gem with In Unfamiliar England by Thos D. Murphy. Only forty pages invested, and there’s already been references Continue Reading →
(1) From secret doorways to hidden messages, captivating illustrations reveal the stories behind New York’s mosaic Subway signs (Daily Mail) Credit: Stephen L (2) The Narcissistic Creed: When preening replaces Continue Reading →
…and great timing because my Space Mountain Graphic Novel just arrived! Weekend 279.0 (Post Con/Abridged) (1) A quote from Hayao Miyazaki in The Art of the Wind Rises: “I don’t Continue Reading →
(1) Horst Brandstätter inducted into Hall of Fame by Toy Industry Association (Playmobil Collectors Club) “He received the award for his outstanding role in the growth and development of the Continue Reading →