Weekend 301.0 (Memorial Day Weekend)

My sister always lends me great books and she found a real gem with In Unfamiliar England by Thos D. Murphy. Only forty pages invested, and there’s already been references to monastic ruins, martyrs, crusaders, and the Chicago World’s Fair. This is lembas for a stoic Anglophile.

(1) Scare Away The Dark by Passenger (YouTube)

(2) Disney Legends recall Walt Disney and the ‘Yes, if….’ way of management (Theme Park Insider)

“The panelists also talked about days when Walt wore ‘the bear suit’ and was best avoided. His future-focused management style did not preclude him from being a human being, with mood swings, and lashing out at folks now and then.”

(3) Jim Zub On Marvel and Disney’s Upcoming FIGMENT Comic (Nerdist)

(4) A quote from In Unfamiliar England by Thos D. Murphy:

“Here stands the impressive ruin, with the stagnant waters of its old-time moat still surrounding the towering keep and shattered walls. It was quite deserted, apparently serving the neighboring farmer as a hen-roost. We learned little of its history, but the mystery, due to our very ignorance, together with the sad abandon of Caister Castle, makes it appeal to our imagination more strongly than many a well-cared-for ruin whose story has become commonplace.”

(4a) Changing Nature (WSJ)

(5) Will the 2014 World Cup Soccer Ball Score? (WSJ)

1 from the ‘Son of a Florist’ files…

(6) ‘Chasing the Rose’ by Andrea di Robilant (WSJ – Registration Required)