Weekend 302.0 (And sunday always comes too late)

I think it’s like a nervous tick or something, but sometimes I get a song stuck in my head and then it takes days to get dislodged. This time it’s “Friday I’m In Love” by the Cure.

It’s the 146th running of the Belmont Stakes and there are a couple of articles in the WSJ about Belmont this weekend.

Belmont is a special place for me and I used to go with my Pop Pop (and still go with my dad, brother(s), and bear).

Belmont from the Limestone Roof Photo Archives.

(1) Everyday Hands Keep Belmont Park on Track (WSJ)

“Mr. Grossman, 48, said that if California Chrome finishes first on Saturday—becoming the first horse to win the Triple Crown in more than three decades—he planned to play “Sentimental Journey,” the 1944 song made famous by Doris Day, performing with Les Brown and His Band of Renown.”

(2) A Belmont Guide for Race Fans of Every Breed (WSJ)

(3) A Supreme Confidence: A level-headed leader of men and nations—Eisenhower is revered today by both conservatives and liberals. (WSJ)