Invisible transfers, long distance calls, hollow laughter in marble halls…

“For hard cash, we will lie and deceive…even our masters don’t know the webs we weave.”

– Pink Floyd

(1) The Mendacity Behind Obama’s Mockery of the Cash-for-Iran Story by Claudia Rosett

“Welcome, once again, to the vertigo of the Obama “narrative,” in which the priority of his “most transparent” administration is not to deal honestly with the American public, but to spin a web of half truths, enmeshed in complexities, to cover up highly questionable uses of power — and then, if caught red-handed, use the bully pulpit to deride and dismiss the critics.”

“One might almost suppose Obama knows quite well that cash shipments to Tehran are actually a very big story. A story that quite reasonably raises glaring questions about his dealings with Iran, and the integrity of the narrative he offers the public.”