São Paulo

Graffiti in San Paola I was in São Paulo last week for work. It was a quick trip, with a packed agenda, so the opportunity for exploration was limited. I have a top ten list though…

(1) Cargo Bikes (Copenhagenize Design Company)

(2) Eisenbahn Pale Ale (BeerAdvocate)

(3) Estação da Luz

“Ever since this station was completed in 1901, it has remained among the most important buildings in São Paulo and Brazil’s history. For decades its clocktower ruled over the city’s skyline to give its residents a reference point to set their clocks, and today the station houses the Museum of the Portuguese Language, a huge repository of and tribute to Portuguese art, language, and literature from around the world.” (THRILLIST)

(4) Street art/graffiti/building art (THRILLIST)

(5) The Estaiada Governador Orestes Quercia is a beautiful bridge near the Anhembi Convention Center

(6) Museu de Arte de São Paulo on (7) the Av. Paulista

(8) Minhocão / Via Elevada Presidente João Goulart (Architectural Digest)

(9) Municipal Theatre of São Paulo

(10) Whether on the Av. Paulista or the Sao Paulo International Book Fair Mickey Mouse was ubiquitous.