On my desk…

I have Rusty Brown by Chris Ware and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad by Dennis Hopeless. I also backed (via Kickstarter) Third Editions: The Ultimate Gaming Library – Kingdom Heart which should arrive sometime in December.

(1) A visual tour through Chris Ware’s adventurous, sprawling, dazzling new book ‘Rusty Brown’ (Chicago Tribune)

“The greatest fiction, like memory, thrives in detail, and comics being an art of memory should follow suit. There are no actual people on the cover, and I set my task to draw all four (book) jackets (there are four different jackets, one for every character in the book) to try and make something that gets, however awkwardly, at that overpowering sense of ‘thereness’ that we all look for but only briefly experience when the odor of a freshly cut weed or the sight of a bit of typography or a fast-food sign briefly calls back the tangible sensation of a moment — or, more properly, the feeling of life itself that we are always going out of our ways to tamp down, smother and forget.”

(2) The Bard of Sadtown: The empty, miserable comics of Chris Ware. (Slate)