Fighting Back versus Resignation

(1) A quote from The Power Of Silence: Against The Dictatorship Of Noise by Robert Cardinal Sarah:

“Today the danger lies in the unbridled activism of the modern world. We are always called to fight, to comb the countryside, to overthrow our adversaries, and to destroy them. Indeed, man is driven to compound one evil with another, whereas we ought to let the weeds grow with the wheat. Silence will give us the patience to wait for the moment when the useless plants will fall by themselves. Thanks to silence, we will know how to bide our time and to wait for God’s hour with perseverance so as to forge an alliance with him and to work under his guidance.”

(2) The Death of Europe, with Douglas Murray (YouTube)

(3) Virginia gun ‘sanctuary’ leaders urge resistance to gun laws, compare to American Revolution (Washington Examiner)

(4) Chuck Todd Suggests That Trump Voters ‘Wanna Be Lied to’ Because Noah’s Ark or Something (PJ Media)

(5) Wintry panorama…