Weekend 473.0

(1) London National Park City Greenground Map

(2) Pink Floyd Clare Torry “The Great Gig in the Sky” Interview (YouTube)

(2a) Time by Pink Floyd:

Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells

(3) Broad & Co Printing Works: A building here was Broad & Co Printing Works. It had also been used as a Mission Room. It became a print works in 1853 for Thomas Darnell and Broads from 1893 until 1988.

(4) Seeking Inspiration (The British Museum)

(5) A quote from Tomorrow-land by Joseph Tirella:

“After the success of London’s Great Exhibition of 1851, fairs were all the rage. In the nineteenth century, cities on both side of the Atlantic wanted to host exhibitions to attract business, display their industrial might, and tout their cultural achievements. Fairs were economic boosts that could reenergize a city or announce its arrival on the world stage. Just two years after the London Exhibition, New York held its own first World’s Fair: the Crystal Palace Exhibition of 1853, which featured its version of the famed Crystal Palace, on the current site of Manhattan’s Bryant Park.”