Christmas 2020 Sabbatical

“A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. Today a great light has come upon the earth.”

Merry Christmas! Mostly convalescing so limited posting.

Remembering the Sacred at Christmas: ‘The Adoration of the Magi’ by Eric Bess (The Epoch Times)

Updates (12/30/2020)
I bought The Book in the Cathedral by Christopher de Hamel from The Open Book Shop and what a gem! It’s like the penultimate edition of library roulette (see older posts). I gave a copy to Mum for Christmas and then there was an explosion of articles about Saint Thomas after the White House issued a proclamation honoring the 850th anniversary of his martyrdom.

(1) White House proclamation honors anniversary of St. Thomas Becket’s martyrdom (Our Sunday Visitor)

(2) Has Thomas Becket’s treasured ‘little book’ been found? (BBC)

(3) St. Thomas Becket, Integralist (The Josias)

(4) President Trump Proclaims St Thomas Becket Day of Observance (YouTube)