Weekend 505.0
Finished The Stripping of the Altars by Eamon Duffy on a rare day-off. I was also at the British Museum today but only for the Medieval Europe (AD 1050 – Continue Reading →
Finished The Stripping of the Altars by Eamon Duffy on a rare day-off. I was also at the British Museum today but only for the Medieval Europe (AD 1050 – Continue Reading →
“But the legalized looting of the monasteries and chantries by the Crown and its agents in the 1530s and 1540s set an example which other were swift to follow.” The Continue Reading →
(1) Proposal could keep hockey in Bridgeport for decade (CT Post) (1a) Bridgeport council closes deal to keep Islanders hockey team, renovate arena (CT Post) (2) Genesis Live at Wembley Continue Reading →
“I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.” – Apostles’ Creed Started Continue Reading →
“lyke tru and fayghthefull crystyn pepyll this was restoryd to this churche by the wyche doyngis hyt schowyth that they dyd lyke good catholyke men.” – Sir Christopher Trychay I’m Continue Reading →
Arrived early enough to Southampton to say my Rosary at St. Edmund’s. I think many fans left St. Mary’s this afternoon thinking the club is going to get relegated if Continue Reading →
(1) How I Responded When My Yoga Studio Reinstituted a Mask Mandate (FEE) (2) The Obama and COVID cult(s) (a) Obama Kids: Sing for Change (Pyongyang Remix) (b) “Vaccinate!” (Harvey Continue Reading →
(1) Wake Up, RINOs! (American Thinker) “Republicans in general, and RINOs in particular, need to wake up and realize that the Steele dossier, Crossfire Hurricane, and two impeachments were not Continue Reading →
Spent the weekend in Ely/Cambridge. The highlight was The Stained Glass Museum in Ely. I’ve started an album on Flickr and will publish a proper post in the not so Continue Reading →