
The title of this post seems appropriate. I am trying to pick up my re-reading of The Tempest from that wonderful recusant (and bane of the woke) William Shakespeare. My personal effects are still scattered to and from but hopefully soon I’ll be reunited with my lovely Eames desk and UK library. I have a lengthy post in draft form on Catholicism in England (was hoping to finish today on the Feast Day of Edward the Confessor) but my deadlines for this hobby are artificially imposed.

My other announcement is that I’m going to post one scan every day in 2023 from my rather eclectic collection of ephemera.

(2) Edward the Confessor and John the Evangelist (New Liturgical Movement)

“I ask you brothers, return to your king, and give him the message which I shall send by you. I am John, the Apostle and Evangelist, and I love the holy king Edward for his chastity, for I know him to be near to God.”