For you have given your children a sacred time for the renewing and purifying of their hearts, that, freed from disordered affections, they may so deal with the things of this passing world as to hold rather to the things that eternally endure.
(1) This Week at Westminster Cathedral: From the Chaplains
As depicted in our English Saints Chapel, England’s original patrons were Pope St Gregory the Great, who sent St Augustine of Canterbury to convert the Angles and Saxons (see the Latin as you enter), St. Edmund Martyr, a king of East Anglia who was cruelly put to death by invading Vikings when he refused to renounce Christ, and St Edward the Confessor, who was king of England shortly before the Norman conquest.
(2) The Eternal Shakespeare (The Imaginative Conservative)
Insofar as Shakespeare’s works are good, true and beautiful, which of course they are, and in so far as they are the fruits of God’s presence in the creative process, which is indubitable, those works will be enshrined with Shakespeare in eternity.
(3) Colour Study¹:

¹Scan is from Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse: The Ultimate History.
(4) Quotes from Bermuda’s Story by Terry Tucker:
But before we hear of the adventures of Governor Richard Moore and the sixty Bermuda settlers, I must tell you something about the second, very different kind of people, who had at once believed in all the magical stories of this far-away shores—the writers and poets. When you are older, you will read the works of poets, most of whom never came here, whose imaginations were greatly stirred by the beauty and the strangeness of all that they heard. Most notably, William Shakespeare was inspired to write The Tempest, his last and most magical play. Although his plot is not laid in Bermuda, not only are these islands mentioned, but the descriptions of the dreadful storm and of the wreck are very much the same as the story told by Strachey in his letter which was almost certainly written to the Countess of Bedford. Even the very wording is similar. Shakespeare surely must have read the letter. Like Somers, he had been born in Elizabeth’s reign, and was forty-five years old at the time the Sea Venture was wrecked. He was to live until 1616 and hear much about these islands.
Each tribe was named after a big shareholder in England and contained fifty parts or subdivisions: altogether that made 400 shares of twenty-five acres each. These eight tribes, together with St George’s, now correspond to our nine parishes.
Let us begin with the west end of the islands:
SOUTHAMPTON after Henry Wriothesley (pronounced Rocksley), THIRD EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON
Faith of Our Fathers: A History of True England by Joseph Pearce (Pg. 184)
Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare by Stephen Greenblatt