Christmas 2019 Sabbatical

(1) Glenn Gould’s U.S. Television Debut: Bernstein Conducting Bach’s Keyboard Concerto No. 1 in D minor (YouTube)

(2) The link between Haruki Murakami / Seiji Ozawa and Kingdom Hearts via Absolutely on Music.

Murakami: Keiko Fuji’s daughter is very active nowadays as a singer.

Ozawa: Oh, really?

Murakami: She calls herself Hikaru Utada. When I was a student, I worked in a little record shop in Shinjuku, and one day Keiko Fuji came in. She was a small woman, very simply dressed, and didn’t stand out in any way. She introduced herself to us with a smile and thanked us for selling her records. Then she gave us a little bow and left. I remember being very impressed that such a big star would go to the trouble of making the rounds of the record stores like that. That would have been around 1970.

(3) How the Creator of ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Got the Gospel Past CBS Execs (NewsBusters™)

(4) A Leg Up on the Last Mile (Urban Omnibus)

(5) Interview: How a Pigment Forager Is Creating an Exhaustive Archive of Ochres Around the World (My Modern Met)

(5a) Related Post: Making Colour

(6) More Haruki Murakami / Seiji Ozawa via Absolutely on Music.

Murakami: Let’s talk about the sixties again. I believe your first American recording was an accompaniment for the oboist Harold Gomberg. It contains concertos by Vivaldi and Telemann, and the recording is date listed as May 1965. I happened to come across this copy at a used-record store in the US.

Ozawa: How incredible that you found this thing. Wow, it brings back memories!

(7) A quote from Walt Disney and the Quest for Community by Steve Mannheim:

“One of the important maxims at WED Enterprises was, according to Bill Martin, ‘we never threw anything away and a lot of these ideas ended up in other plans years later.’ Examples include the proposed International Street at Disneyland and a Chinatown district, neither of which was built. Of course, international theming has a long tradition in fairs and exhibitions and would be featured in the EPCOT concept.

Edison Square, another historically themed street proposed for Disneyland, evolved into General Electric’s Carousel of Progress. Also, an American Liberty Street was scheduled to open at Disneyland in 1959. Disney visited Williamsburg, Virginia, with his family near the end of his life and possessed several books about colonial Williamsburg. Instead, Liberty Square eventually become part of the Magic Kingdom at Florida’s Walt Disney World in 1971. The WED Enterprises’ maxim that an idea sometimes must be wait until its time illustrates that a concept and the final show installation can end up being two very different things. The EPCOT plan was only conceptual when Disney died.”

(8) Some quotes from Paul by N.T. Wright:

“The second thing we can be sure of it that he prayed, he studied, and he figured out all sorts of things. Faced with his letters (written a decade and more later), dense as they are with concentrated argument, we cannot imagine that when he wrote the he was breaking entirely new ground. He could no doubt improvise on the spot, but in his mature thought he gives every evidence of long pondering. Saul spent a silent decade deepening the well of scriptural reflection from which he would thereafter draw the water he needed.”

“As I think of Paul launching this new venture, the image of the tightrope over the volcano doesn’t seem to go far enough. He was inventing, and must have known that he was inventing, a new way of being human. It must have been a bit like the first person to realize that notes sounded in sequence created melody, that notes sounded together created harmony, and that ordering the sequence created rhythm. If we can think of a world without music and then imagine it being invented, offering a hitherto undreamed-of depth and power to space, time, and matter, then we may have a sense of the crazy magnitude of Paul’s vocation.”

(9) A quote from The Mirror of Faith by William of Saint Thierry:

“Woven into the fabric of medieval ecclesiastical society, the Black Monks sought salvation for themselves and for all Christians by maintaining an ancient and honorable tradition, giving glory to God and security to men through fidelity to the Rule of St Benedict and to the customs which had grown up through generations of its observance. The first Cistercians, reacting against the embellishments of time and sentiment, had undertaken a corporal and spiritual asceticism by which they discarded cherished observances, impressive ceremonies, and architectural ornamentation which supported contemporary monastic life, not because they thought them meaningless—some indeed had altogether too much meaning—but because they found the very richness distracted them from the search for God alone. The White Monks had resolved to return to the fountainhead, to the Rule and to the Scripturas which it summarizes. Having settled themselves in their austere monasteries in the strait and narrow way set out by the Rule, they began in the persons of their most articulate abbots and able writers to explicate these sources in terms of their own personal experience. Unfettered by archaism, they strove for primitive purity and created a new tradition.”