Weekend 628.0
A veritable hodgepodge of quality articles and excerpts from my weekend wanderings. (1) Excerpt from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage by Lord Byron: The Niobe of nations! there she stands,Childless and crownless, Continue Reading →
A veritable hodgepodge of quality articles and excerpts from my weekend wanderings. (1) Excerpt from Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage by Lord Byron: The Niobe of nations! there she stands,Childless and crownless, Continue Reading →
It was predominately a trip for FOOTBALL. I saw the Saints play two at home in Southampton and one on the road in Norwich. They won their home matches against Continue Reading →
“I am like a portable sanctuary filled with the real presence of God. Being a temple of God, how can I but see God everywhere I look? Within your temple, Continue Reading →
(1) Do you remember when GE (General Electric) built things? (2) A poem¹ by Tom Moore: Have you not oft, in nightly vision, stray’d To the pure isles of ever-blooming Continue Reading →
(1) Kingdom Hearts 20th Anniversary Vinyl LP Box — Translated Yoko Shimomura Interview (KH13 · for Kingdom Hearts) (2) Why Did It Take 13 Years To Build The Elizabeth Line? Continue Reading →
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village though;He will not see me stopping hereTo Continue Reading →
(1) Examining the Adoration of the Magi (The Met)(2) Why Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Matter (The Imaginative Conservative) (3) Look at the Revival: A poem by Theresa Lola (The National Continue Reading →
(1) Opening to Raymond Briggs’ The Snowman 1989 VHS (2) Ireland With Emily by Sir John Betjeman Has it held, the warm June weather?Draining shallow sea-pools dry,When we bicycled togetherDown Continue Reading →
Monody on the Death of Aldersgate Street Station by Sir John Betjeman (1906-1984) Snow falls in the buffet of Aldersgate station,Soot hangs in the tunnel in clouds of steam.City of Continue Reading →
“But you, O you, So perfect and so peerless, are createdOf every creature’s best.”– William Shakespeare (1) Ward-Prowse nets for England (2) Essential London Sites (2a) Tube, Overground, TfL Rail, Continue Reading →