Weekend 575.0
(1) More quotes from On Modernism’s Ruins: The Architecture of “Building Stories” and Lost Buildings by Daniel Worden: “For Samuelson, as for Ware, history is present through objects, and the Continue Reading →
(1) More quotes from On Modernism’s Ruins: The Architecture of “Building Stories” and Lost Buildings by Daniel Worden: “For Samuelson, as for Ware, history is present through objects, and the Continue Reading →
A quote from Bermuda’s Story by Terry Tucker: “On the north side of the nave in the Bermuda Cathedral in Hamilton you will see a stained-glass window picturing the storm Continue Reading →
Excerpt from “Benedict XVI and the Call to Holiness” by Joseph Pearce The spirit of worldliness within the Church, which is made manifest in modernism, can only be countered by Continue Reading →
“Let us not hesitate to give pride of place to silent daily prayer in the solitude of our room. In a perfect symbiosis with the cloisters of monasteries, it is Continue Reading →
“The monastic tradition calls ‘Great Silence’ the nocturnal atmosphere of peace that is supported to reign in the communal areas, as well as in each cell, generally from Compline until Continue Reading →
VENERATION OF THE HOLY SHROUD, MEDITATION OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI, Fifth Sunday of Easter, 2 May 2010 (Vatican) Effectively, the Shroud was immersed in that profound darkness that was Continue Reading →
“The age-long procession of our townsfolk wends its way through Southampton, towards the far horizons of time. And so shall we all, all pass into the sun-traced shadows which lie Continue Reading →
Do not be afraid of silence or stillness, listen to God, adore him in the Eucharist. Let his word shape your journey as an unfolding of holiness.
— Pope Benedict XVI (@P_BenedictXVI) September 29, 2022
— Benedict XVI
I’m reading Faith Of Our Fathers: A History of True England by Joseph Pearce. He first mentioned the IDEA for this book on YouTube. The content is surprisingly topical given Continue Reading →
Henry was more martyr than king and developed a cult after he was slain. Quotes from The Brothers York by Thomas Penn: “As a shuffling Harry was led the short Continue Reading →