Advent 2010, Week 3

Marcia Morrissey writes another beautiful Advent-inspired article with Less Later, More Now!

…let us decorate our homes, even if we’re a little depressed, even if we are fearful. Let us place lights around to remind us of the “light of the world,” and prepare all the things that make us joyful to welcome the newborn King. He makes all things new. Believe it. Claim it. Trust in it. And share that hope with others!

These questions from Paula D’Arcy are complementary.

The manger makes a fierce demand: Will you allow something extraordinary to materialize in your life? Will you take full responsibility for your life? Will you look around you and reach into the world, willing to love more deeply?

I don’t want my arms to be so full, my attention so distracted, that I cannot hear that fierce demand. In my better moments, I know the final work of every life is love. All we have is this moment. Right now. The journey to Bethlehem beckons.

For these days of Advent I will slow down, not speed up. I will take more care with people, not less. I will be aware of my own personhood. What am I creating with this life I’ve been given?