Weekend 423.1

Two quotes on memory (continuing a theme), silence, and noise…

“Memories, like seaweed wrapped around pilings on the beach, wordlessly waiting for high tide.”
– Haruki Murakami

“Memory is a word made fruitful by the Holy Spirit. It is a tomb, a tilled soil in which man deposits the seed of the word, and the latter takes root and springs up silently, developing a new, more abundant life that bears hope within it.”
– Robert Cardinal Sarah

“The roots of darkness could spread everywhere beneath the earth. Patiently taking their time, searching out weak points, the could break apart the most solid rock.”
– Haruki Murakami

“I am not afraid to assert that the false priests of modernity, who declare a sort of war on silence, have lost the battle. For we can remain silent in the midst of the biggest messes and most despicable commotion, in the midst of the racket and howling of those infernal machines that draw us into functionalism and activism by snatching us away from any transcendent dimension and from any interior life.”
– Robert Cardinal Sarah