(1) Before NR: Wandering in the Wilderness (National Review) (2) 13 landscapes to lose yourself in (The British Museum) (3) This black and white photo needs a story (or a Continue Reading →
Raze your #insurrection flag. Here are your choices: (1) Jolly Roger, (2) Grand Union, (3) Lions and Castles (Christopher Columbus), (4) Confederate, (5) Crusader, and (6) French Resistance.
(1) YouTube 80s (1a) WarGames Soundtrack(1b) Cobra Kai Season 3, All Easter Eggs & References Explained! (1c) Every Video Game in ‘Ready Player One’ Explained By Author Ernest Cline
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy,our life, our sweetness, and our hope.To you do we cry,poor banished children of Eve.To you do we send up our sighsmourning and weeping in Continue Reading →