Biden: Surrenderer-In-Chief

“I don’t care if you think I’m Satan reincarnated.” — Joe Biden

T.S. Eliot on Biden, Obama, Harris, Rice, Brennan, Murphy, Romney, Kerry…

“Find an oasis in the desert sun,
Go seek alliance with the heathen Saracen,
To share his filthy rites, and try to snatch
Forgetfulness in his libidinous courts,
Oblivion in the fountain by the date-tree;
Or sit and bite your nails in Aquitaine.
In the small circle of pain within the skull
You still shall tramp and tread one endless round
Of thought, to justify your action to yourselves,
Weaving a fiction which unravels as you weave,
Pacing forever in the hell of make-believe
Which never is belief: this is your fate on earth
And we must think no further of you.”