Disney (NYSE: GROMR) has hired former Clinton (and Obama) propagandist Kristina Schake as executive vice president of global communications.
Disney CEOs have a long history of being cozy with the Clintons. Here’s Michael Eisner waxing poetically about Hillary in the Hollywood Reporter.
The Real Disney Madness: Turns out the Woketeers aren’t very business-savvy. (The American Spectator)
“The queer agenda Rufo exposed made top Disney executives seem more like child abusers. In the videos, executive producer Latoya Raveneau (The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder) says, ‘Our leadership over there has been so welcoming to my not-at-all-secret gay agenda.'”
It looks like SJWs have set their sights on Kingdom Hearts. There isn’t a slice of pop culture they haven’t appropriated for their cause (sports, entertainment, and education). It’s just a matter of time before this wonderful franchise is upended by a retcon (or some similar device) like Star Wars (Disney), Ghostbusters (Sony), and Lord of the Rings (Amazon).
Kingdom Hearts Referenced in ‘The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder’ on Disney+; Sora’s Dive to the Heart & Destiny Islands (Noisy Pixel)
Critics Of The New York Times’ Ben Rhodes Profile Miss The Point (The Heritage Foundation)
The relationship between the media and the democratic party is incestuous (as evidenced by Ben Rhodes and Psaki).
Panetta is also mentioned in this article and he’s one of the experts who dismissed the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop. The swamp is deep and includes groomers and deviants of all sorts working for the same cause.
GOP demands ‘experts’ who dismissed Hunter Biden laptop fess up — or face subpoenas (NY Post)