“The small, fringe minority of people who are on their way to Ottawa, who are holding unacceptable views that they are expressing, do not represent the views of Canadians who Continue Reading →
The horsemen need a trumpeter and it’s played excellently by fellow traveler Jen Psaki. (1) Inflation(2) Violent Crime / Defunding the Police(3) Foreign Policy (Afghanistan, China, and Russia)(4) Authoritarian COVID Continue Reading →
“lyke tru and fayghthefull crystyn pepyll this was restoryd to this churche by the wyche doyngis hyt schowyth that they dyd lyke good catholyke men.” – Sir Christopher Trychay I’m Continue Reading →
Either their movement has been co-opted (like BLM) or they have aligned themselves with socialism. It’s also worth remembering that when you see the LGBTQ+ flag draped from a foreign Continue Reading →